Discovering Childcare Educators in Australia: Roles & Salaries Unveiled
Do you love working with kids? If so, becoming a childcare educator might be the perfect fit for you. In Australia, childcare educators are covered under the Children Services Award 2010, which sets out the minimum pay rates based on qualifications and roles within early learning centres.
What are the earnings of childcare workers?
The childcare system can be confusing due to its various titles and job descriptions. Whether you’re considering a career change or simply curious about daycare operations, we’ve compiled information on the salaries of childcare workers and other relevant job-related details to solve your queries.
Understanding childcare workers
Childcare workers, also known as daycare workers or early childhood educators, care for children during times when parents and other family members are unavailable. Their primary role is to attend to the basic needs of young children, typically aged 0-12 years. Here’s what childcare workers typically do:
Supervise and monitor the safety of children
Organise and prepare mealtimes or snacks
Assist the children maintain good hygiene
Change diapers for infants and toddlers
Teach social skills and organise activities
Establish schedules and routines to ensure they are getting enough physical activity and rest
Monitor for signs of emotional or developmental problems, and raise concerns with parents if a problem is suspected
Keep records of children’s interests, routines and progress
Another responsibility of a childcare worker is to maintain communication with the parents or guardians of the children. They will need to keep the parents or guardians up-to-date on their child’s progress, alongside maintaining records of any health or dietary requirements.
In childcare centres, early childhood educators collaborate with preschool teachers and assistants to implement a structured curriculum that fosters children’s growth and learning.
Required qualifications
To work as a childcare worker, a minimum requirement is a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, with a Working with Children Check. These certifications are mandatory for anyone working with children. First Aid Training is recommended but not mandatory. Those interested in advancing their career can pursue further studies such as a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.
Types of Employment in Childcare
In a childcare environment, you’ll typically work as either a full-time, part-time, or casual employee. According to the Children’s Services Award 2010:
Full time: works an average of 38 hours per week.
Part-time: works less than 38 hours per week with set hours and conditions similar to full-time employment.
If you’re employed part-time, your employer will outline your daily hours, required days, and start and finish times in a written agreement.
Casual: works for temporary and relief basis, with a minimum of 2 hours per shift.
Casual employees receive the hourly rate of full-time employees according to their classification and minimum wage, plus a casual loading.
Salary information for childcare workers
In Australia, the average salary for early childhood teachers salary is $83,439 per year or $42.79 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $76,365 per year, while experienced professionals can earn up to $96,363 per year.
For childcare workers, the average salary is $59,743 per year or $30.64 per hour. Entry-level salaries begin at approximately $50,010 per year, with top earners making up to $73,467 annually.
The childcare sector is experiencing steady growth, resulting in high job vacancies. If you’re considering a career change and enjoy working with children, becoming a childcare worker could be an excellent opportunity for you.
Interested in starting your career in Early Childhood Education and Care in Australia? Contact us via the form below to get started.